Truck load measurement

LKW Beladung

Why is truck load measurement important?

Truck loading of solid bulk materials must be carried out quickly and precisely. The truck should be loaded efficiently up to the permitted maximum. In many plants, truck loading is already automated. This is why it is even more important to obtain precise and reliable information about how much material is being filled into the truck.

In most cases, online truck load measurement is used for pre-weighing. The operator saves time and effort if the information is available at an early stage.

Faster than a truck scale

Online quantity measurement for truck loading records the quantity conveyed even before the material enters the truck and thus enables an optimal loading process.


How does online truck load measurement work?

DYNA's mass flow systems are online measuring devices that are used for truck load measurement, for example as pre-weighing systems. During truck loading, the measuring device is typically installed between the silo outlet and the loading station. Installation is possible on free-fall lines and in pneumatic conveyor systems. The DYNAmas measuring device, for example, uses the capacitive measuring principle and measures the conveying speed and the product concentration separately. The mass flow is continuously calculated from this. The measurement result is available within a very short time and can be used to control the loading process.

Typically, accuracies of 1...3% are achieved for volume measurement.

Sensors are available as standard up to DN 300



What are the advantages of an online truck load measurement?

  • Early and real-time information through online measurement
  • Ideal control of the truck loading process
  • Maximum and efficient loading of the truck
  • Shorter loading times
  • No subsequent lightening of truck
  • Easy to integrate into existing loading systems


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